
<aside> 💡 Business Analysis dot io is my personal site (hosted in Notion). I share what I think would be helpful for BAs.


BusinessAnalysis.io addresses key problems faced by Business Analysts:

  1. BA Resources are often fragmented across various websites and courses.
  2. BAs may lack access to the latest best practices and industry trends.
  3. BAs may struggle to connect with peers.

<aside> ⚡ Let’s connect![email protected]

A boss once said: "Well I don't want just a business analyst - I want someone who is going to design solutions for me. But I don't want just an architect, I want someone who understands business and can engage with the stakeholders."

About me


How Business Analysts can Bridge the Gap to Leverage the Power of UX/UI Design

Product Ownership Analysis

PMP Templates

What is Business Analysis?

Who is a Product Manager?

Kanban Approach for T&M Projects

Roles in Software Development Projects

4 Key Contributions of Business Analysts

Mastering Remote Collaboration: Effective Strategies for Distributed Teams

BA Plan for Salesforce App Development Project

Business Analysis as I know it